Sunday, May 23, 2010

Symptoms Of Herpes In Toddler

May 3 to May 9

Monday, May 3

In the attack for another week with the punch of Florence and Damien. In the morning, Damien tackles new computer problems center, and I can assure you that here is no small matter.

He joined Florence and the entire team CIA Soul Wu-Ga for the meeting earlier this week. They are sharing their pleasant surprise at the professionalism of the center, which deserves a round of punch offered by the bar! ! !
the afternoon, while some work on the center, accompanied by our two tourists Guidi, Michael and Mary will visit Mount Kloto. Small tour with our friends and Prosper Tepe; discovery of the scorpion, grrr ... and around the village of Kuma Konda. Night and surprised everyone ... must come down through the bush at night without a torch .. not easy especially with the ants that attack, right Derek? and a fall on the buttocks for Florence, and one for Mary.
Everyone ends up at the center to enjoy red wine, sausage and cheese. Even Kossi is tempted by the pie!

Tuesday, May 4

Morning in the village school for Yovohs (Florence, Damien Ysel and Mary). What a beautiful home for children in kindergarten! !
Each takes a group of children from CM2 to take photos of local flora and sketches, all will realize a book that will be offered to CM2 in France.
I think Damien and Florence are truly conquered these meetings!
We deserved a good jungle speed! ! ! No
afternoon free for every two .... They do not know how to put on holiday ... Florence starts to transplant (she loves gardening!) And Damien continued his prowess computer trainer. One team of accounts while others work on the roof of the extension of health.

Wednesday, May 5

Kpalimé first exit for both tourists with guides, Ysel and Mary. They discover the foreign exchange bank (yeah, there's air conditioning!), The traditional market and the small restaurant in Queen and Modeste. Back
center for animation to children.

The heavy rain prevented the school support but no big deal, we organize small workshops play in the gallery: clay, circuit ball game of Jungle Speed. And finally, any the world sing and dance on stage. Children are delighted and adults too.
Redégustation sausage, chorizo and English tapas ... some funny ... head with octopus. But comfort with a good bottle of whiskey! !

Thursday, May 6

Flo and Damien go on the board with Danyi and Kossi Guidi motorcycle. From our side, everyone works on his side. Some doors reprice health (Merk and his apprentice Ysel Jespers!), Others become addicted to the computer (attention Kaza ...) and maintain the site last Bléou, Bléou (slowly, slowly ...).

Friday, May 7 is the big move to the radio .... Ooh, ooh, an hour airplay on local radio to talk about the center Kpalimé CIA and Soul Wu Ga. It's always a little stressful but the facilitator Etienne immediately puts us at ease!

Then a good first night at mama Daoussi (our favorite shopkeeper in the village!), We let Ysel way because not mix beer and good ... and Florence sodabi who prefers to sleep .... And we leave, Guidi, Damien and Marie direction the valve, the lively bar and evening ... Kpalimé continues, well watered!

Saturday, May 8

Day unhurriedly to prepare the evening Sound System. Somewhat a headache for Damien and Marie, hard, hard ...
the evening, nobody in the evening. What's happening .. we learn that a free concert was organized in town with a national star. We can not compete. Too bad, Damien and Ysel decide to go there and do not return disappointed. Super atmosphere with passing funny, contest Traditional dance and concert Agbeti Yao. Sunday, May 9

Florence and Mary go to Catholic Mass at the Cathedral of Kpalime. This allows them to collect after the death of their grandmother. Mass is beautiful with its children's choir accompanied by djembe. Then
starting the cascade. A good team gathers around a picnic, everyone bathes except Calixte and Guidi (ooh ... ... ..).
And a great afternoon together! a small pot faucet and everyone goes home.
For Florence Marie, Damien and Ysel is the little restaurant on Sunday evening at Fanny. Both Tourists are testing the antelope stew and are not disappointed!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Can You Get Herpes By Sharing Pants?

April 26 to May 2

Monday, April 26 It's back to the center with our President Kasa (we missed it!) And the company Richdam who just play for the evening's Independence TOGO.
Everyone turns into a big party and was a success for us: 42 entries and a bar running full blast! ! !
Richdam company made a provision of thunder as all those who come voluntarily to perform on stage!

Tuesday, April 27

Day public holiday in Togo for 50 years of independence. For us, it's a well deserved rest.
Ysel made a big sleep ... and we hang up our romantic dinner, well deserved too! new choice of restaurant, the geyser, though not great! ! !

Wednesday, April 28 Morning

very active for everyone; objective: to advance the health and finishes to the guest room before the arrival of Florence, sister of Mary and Damien, neighbor Ysel and Mary.
the afternoon, like every Wednesday, animation with children.
And in the evening evening documentary!

Thursday, April 29

Major work of the whole team on the landscaping of the site. The roof of health ahead thanks to the motivation of all ... Some think hard! ! ! Friday, April 30

From job, still work, even work! !
We decide to run away in the afternoon to the south of Togo and take a step back ... and most of all have a little privacy! !
We arrived after a somewhat difficult route (first motorcycle accident in front of us ... hard to leave someone on the roadside but it must not stop here ...). Hostel Oasis Aného: Wow! ! ! ! a straw hut on the edge of the sea, quiet, romantic! ! !
The dream! ! !

Saturday May 1st

We've enjoyed the site in the morning: swimming, pineapple juice in the coconut! ! Yippee! ! Check
to Lome but want lunch on the road overlooking the sea where we want to go is besieged by a cheering crowd celebrating May 1 (everything here is cause for celebration!). we prefer to look calm and go back in the truck. And there is the drama. The truck is silted up and not only half ... half past one to get him out with the crowd that mocks Yovohs ... not very cool, hopefully we as children spin a hand with a big brother .. We're doing
not without a good sweat (it is noon in full sun!): Ysel is red! !
's it, we go and find a quiet place for lunch. Direction the Ghana border and customs to let pass the truck. Well, the boss is not there, wait a quarter of an hour ... which turns into 45 minutes ... and it's good for another month. Now, departure airport to find Damien and Florence: Hurray! ! !

They arrived in great shape and we drive directly to the CIA center. The evening
sound system at the center is not really a success: people are too celebrated during the day May 1 and have more strength especially since there is power outage. It does not prevent us from leaving the red wine and sausage for the arrival of yovohs, without forgetting the traditional sodabi!

Sunday, May 2

First day at the center for our friends! What family! !
Damien is immediately put to work by Kasa to review the system and rebuild a site for the CIA.

Florence made his first visit to the village to find food.
whole team then went to the meeting with the Association of Disabled Kpalimé: that the allocation of 3 wheelchairs brought from France, Damien goes there as a witness.

Meanwhile, Florence and Marie make a small photo session surrounded by village children. Small
dinner with Lazarus in Yovohs ago ... good! !

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Can I Get Std From Touching


OF Agbeneva Association participated in the day of the Francophonie on the place of the old Doulon. For two days, a village consisted of several associations, each having a francophone country.

Friday several classes of local schools were present to uncover the actions of the association in Togo. So we set out various artifacts brought back from Togo and talked about the association's projects, including Soul Wu
Ga. The family atmosphere and artistic was the rendezvous Saturday with the added bonus of coming from the Mayor of Nantes associations came to support!

What To Write When Someone Had A Baby

From April 19 to 25

Monday, April 19

Ysel wakes up with the temperature but still attends the meeting on Monday morning ritual, which itself was a bit hot ... not always easy to manage life community associations in the program ...
the afternoon, the administrative center and a good shot of household well-deserved!
And you want a happy birthday to our Pascaline who takes good care of us on the center!
Ysel is getting worse ... the fever does not go down despite the curative treatment against malaria ...

Tuesday, April 20

The night was very hard ... The Ysel fever rose to such a point he had trouble breathing and he was delirious ... Mary and him have been very much frightened but expected the day to take the patient to the clinic. Parents of
Ysel still leave the north in Kara with Daniel their guide but did not rest easy ...
Ysel's Checkup: malaria with a gastrointestinal infection which explained that the fever could not get
... Around us is the massacre ... Everyone is sick ...
center saw idling
... Well, good news, Mary is great!! Wednesday, April 21

Carine and Mary go to school in the village of Yoh to continue correspondence with children from Nantes as you told.
The afternoon is tutoring, a little difficult to manage this for Sara and Mary without the presence of a third person because there are more and more children ...
But at the same time, it makes pleased to see that they are present at our workshops!

Ysel is recovering after a second injection ... but it makes malaria really unpleasant ... and say that there are 3 guys sick at the center, not easy for girls!
He used his convalescence to work in photo: he planned to do a book for flora and fauna. It help each child to strafe our insect friends of the center.

Cariños leaves for Lome where she still has plenty to do, but promises to come see us Friday!
cons is the return of our residents Christopher and Thomas returning from Burkina ... tired of the road because ...

Thursday, April 22

Marie returned to school to finish the letters to Nantes children to give them to Carine.
They are motivated and very grateful for the gifts.
The afternoon is short because a torrential rain fell on central and Kpalimé
... It still manages to repair the truck: the parallelism is spoiled by the Togolese and roads more dangerous to drive! !
Jean-Michel and Jeannie home late tired from their travels but very happy with everything they have experienced!

Friday, April 23
not very hard ... it's hot and everyone is tired ...
There is still fueling bar and kitchen.
lunch with Miss Mary Cariños between girlfriends ... they did not really have time to see ....

Ysel and his parents on their side lunch in town with Chris who introduces them to a small restaurant shawarma ... to remember!
Last dinner before the departure of Jean-Mi and Jeannie. We're going to a family in Fanny after taking a drink with members of the center. And
antelope stew, a!

Saturday, April 24 is the big trip to Lome. After tasting on the roadside (BBQ pork and beer mile ...), we arrive at the capital to visit the national museum (a bit disappointing though) and eat a good hamburger Ysel and Mary (the meat we want, I assure you !!!). We find at the airport Carine and Christopher and Thomas ...
Mary has a good shot of blues and heard the plane take off .... Homesick ... but it will go! Sunday, April 25

We remain on Lome because we need to bring a band at the center for the evening of 26: we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Independence of Togo!! Small
visit a sculpture artist became friends, Victor. Small
visit Papa Gaetan, a friend of the center that hosts regular members and volunteers who go through Lome. It allows us to meet Cedric, the secretary general of France CIA. Small
evening on the beach at Lome, with coconut trees and fine sand, bueno!