Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Leroi Air Compressor Parts

Cronyism feminist Wednesday ...

>> On Wednesday ... is "free women" on RADIO Libertarian, from 18:30 to 20:30. this week with the Collective Nedjma Algerian-Ennes to discuss the situation in Algeria today, that of women and their claims. ..

• The program "Free Women" Wednesday is downloadable all week HERE

• The website

>> 2 movies to see in movies:
- Winter's Bone (he has won awards!) Debra Granik ... see here
- The Choice Luna (I've seen is great), by Jasmila Zbanic ... see here

>> Proposals feminists around 8 March
- Paris here ...
- or actually in France here

>> Reminder: the event Saturday, March 5 at 2:30 p.m. departure from Paris Trocadero (court told "rights of man, women can brush »)... info on the site CNDF here, the demo is called March for Equality, freedom and dignity

>> It's good! item stripper on neurons of "fâââmes" good fun too! titled "These studies at the jerk who take us for connes" is decrypted by

>> An exhibition of the association "The Amazons" at La Villette (Paris 19) , whose objective is to build public "wear a different look on women with one breast. In our society, having a breast is taboo. There is a lack of representation of asymmetric body, whereas this difference affects hundreds of thousands of women. 90% of women who had ablation of a breast after cancer surgery are not curative. "Details of the expo and nice to see displays on the association website: http:/ /

>> Here is a link to a little movie released in the exhibition Women in Resistance currently presented in Roanne and is distributed around photos of the Walk World Women . Thanks to Pierre-Yves Ginet, photo journalist based in Roanne assiduously following the events Walk back and very nice pictures and videos ... see here ...


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