Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Check Very Light Line

From April 29 to 4

Monday, March 29

New management is held accountable for the money not be "eaten."
It asks us all a lot of discipline, but everyone is current on its accounts for the ritual meeting Monday. Meeting that lasts long, long, long time ... but that is because we communicate and the entire program for the month of April is almost afraid to set.
Suddenly, you go back to work and we directly attack the guest room for it to be functional as soon as practicable and is also a source of profit. Tuesday, March 30

Time is becoming heavier, the rainy season approaches ... it seems we have exceeded 40 degrees, not even scared! Finally, this should excuse the blackouts becoming more frequent and the water cuts. Dip the 4th largest city of Togo in the dark for more than 6 hours, there's no problem!
It does not work during the day. Mary explodes in household cooking and there's plenty to do during qu'Ysel fact the driver to pick up the bamboo for the roof of the hut and the stage and the rest of the team working with external and guest room.
The flys are ready for next Saturday evening: evening VAKPO ("come see") where we hope to bring the villagers of Yoh for the Easter holiday. Here the festival is as important as Christmas ... I guess that will flow sodabi afloat!

Wednesday, March 31

Mary continues its crisis "ménagite" acute and began cleaning the art gallery and is enough to satisfy her!
Meanwhile, begins the rehabilitation of the hut and this is no small matter. We must move the poles that are concreted to the ground in order to increase the slope of the roof, and there is the matter of muscular men! Sorry for Ysel, but will rather take care of children with Mary and Sarah. Ysel made a bike workshop, school support Mary and Sarah English. It is not easy to manage all levels, but it's OK ...
Tonight is the start of Joch, an American friend of the center invested heavily in it.

Thursday April 1st

Rehabilitation work continues in the hut and we take this opportunity to put straw on the roof of the bar. We discover a wasp nest, be careful! Meanwhile
Ysel and Gustave work to painting to make a beautiful guest room, nay a suite with bedroom and living room!
Mary and Kossi them are in the office and it's hot in here .... Ponder it hard!!

Friday, April 2

is the starting our two residents, Christopher and Thomas with our friend Sero. But this is not a farewell because they have come back to us after their trip to Burkina Faso. He must have live to CIA!!
It now needs to supply the bar for the evening of the future and that of the restoration. And it is also the day of renewal for the truck to pass. We're going to the border of Ghana, which is close to renew for a month and for once, everything goes smoothly. Kplaimé finished races we go because it's heavy slashes in town and there are lots of dust ....
Back at home, the ritual power outage in the evening combined with the cutoff of water that has been raging for two days grow Ysel and Mary go to enjoy an aperitif in the village, we are sick!!
That Will Atou the son of the village chief that they are good cold beer and testing a new drink: red wine with brick sodabi .... Uh, no top!

Saturday, April 3 is the day of the party Vakpo so everyone calls the site clean should remove the speck behind, finish paint to be able to clean the tables and chairs that turned blue and
white ... It is also think of all the preparations in case of power .... And we celebrate the return of the water!! he had to do something because Mary started to freak!
The evening begins with rain and again ... the blackout. This cools the people to come and we do not pay at once the entries. But the atmosphere is the appointment anyway thanks to Jespers (and yes, it's a name). It's a boy of ten years living across the street from us and plays beautifully the djembe! Sunday, April 4

Big Fat morning well deserved because the evening was finished late, very late ... so not much planned. Ysel, Didier and Calixte attend the meeting of an association of disabled people who find themselves in Kpalimé to see how the wheelchairs will be distributed back to France. And the evening's ritual restaurant lovers to discover a new kitchen ... will they do better than the stew tasted antelope in "Fanny"??


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