Monday, January 31, 2011

Mera Naam Joker Movie Seens

- Almond

Here is a recipe for apple pie that I just tried (or rather invented):

6 apples
50 g almonds (optional)
1 jar of cream
1 CAS cornstarch (or flour) 2 eggs
Sugar 1 / 2 cinnamon ACC ;
a handful of raisins (optional)
a knob of butter

Grease your pan and spread the pastry, prick with a fork and place in a preheated oven at 180 ° C until the dough is golden.
For the crust I bought it all ready, but you can make at home, it's not complicated at all. Here is a recipe of @ _ZoneInterdite_

Brown the almonds, avoid burn out like me in focusing too much on twitter

Peel and grate the apples, put them in a pan and let simmer with sugar and a little butter for 10 minutes.
Add eggs, sour cream, flour, ground almonds, and raisins (to taste), stir and pour over batter precooked. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake for 20 minutes.

The result, treat yourself:)


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Small Red Dot On Tip Of Nose

damage ... "At the UN, religion nibbles women's rights ..."


"... past ten years, observers noted a "creeping regression" of women's rights within the United Nations. Malka Marcovich sees the election of Saudi Arabia among the 47 board members of UN Women's another sign of this trend. A renunciation of western countries towards the offensive and attacks on religious secularism. And an increasingly more pervasive in the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), only UN lobby group assumed a religious character, which comprises 57 member states. Without neglecting, said Malka Marcovich, strengthening the influence Orthodox in Russia or Ukraine, or the growing of churches in South America. "

>> Article to read on the site Information News News HERE

Friday, January 28, 2011

Example Of Prayer For A Program

"TV star" ... X

A sexist advertising is reported to Bitches care mail. This is a full page in the newspaper TV Star December 18 to 24 2010 (small, unretouched, click to enlarge) concerning an issue of sexy manga made by a "porn star" and aimed at an audience from 16 years.

Our correspondent was surprised that a newspaper advertisement appears in all public programs next Saturday ...

Preview mail "As the title indicates, the advertisement refers to erotic or pornographic films ... and the word 'pig' refers to those gentlemen who are interested. .. The show is still sexist: women, young, scantily clad ... "
Mrs. AT

The design allows the ultra fantasized advertising representation of women, almost childlike mind, anatomy accentuated by underwear , to the downcast eyes (a sign of submission), usual iconography of manga for adults imposed on any player or reader of Star TV.

MCM is owned by Lagardère Active, advertising is signed BETC Euro RSCG (including Mercedes Erra, Executive Director, however, is known for its high level of involvement for the access of women to positions of high responsibility, participation in the Women's Forum), that's for relay what industry ultra capitalist pornography.

>> to congratulate TV Star TV Star
Readers' email: @ lecteurs.telestar

• • • • •

As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Regulatory Authority Business Advertising) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by mail ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby Eyes Camera Flash

Petition of Tunisian bloggers

I attended 24 January 2011 at a meetup of bloggers and Tweeples Tunisian organized by Karim Ben Abdallah ( @ Karim2K ) in Lake Alhambra coffee, there were also French journalists of the newspaper Liberation who wanted to collect some evidence. The discussion was very enriching, each had a vision, a view, an idea, but all converging on the same principle: the lifting of censorship on the Internet .

In fact I think we are mature enough and we do not lack discernment in relation to Western peoples for being told what to see and what should not. We brought these pretty vulgar blinders quite follow the cursed carrot ... Now that all taboos are broken we got rid once and for all!

Here is the petition that was approved by everyone, I invite all bloggers, journalists and Internet users in general Tweeples to publish in their blogs and share it without moderation.

page has been created on Facebook " Tunisians against any form of censorship " on this occasion, be likely to join the community is open to all Tunisian Internet.

This is the new disguise Ammar 404

few pictures:)

Other photos and video of @ Karim2K are also available on the web.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Temp Will Pvc Pipe Freeze

More pub No. 1

I had to take care of the new look of Com & Greenwashing, but I still have not found the ideal template (not because it is not I who created the entire design of my Blog) and it's been several months since the deadline set that I had passed! As I wanted to incorporate this new design "open pub I decided to offer regular (New template until at least) a selection of pubs that I identified either because they liked me or because they have been successful (because it does not go together!) Or they have spoken. So no theme, just the affect. To know that most of the sources of that section from the website Ads of the World .
Go for more pub No. 1!

1. Childish apology: a campaign against tobacco broadcasts in Russia. Intelligent, well built, it succeeds to touch us (but I'm not more smoker so I can be a bad decision?).
Agency: Smetana, Russia

2. Feel Free : The disappearance of Rodolphe, mourned by millions of fans, was announced several months. We find these days his replacement Mr. Easy (played by Olivier Mag), classier and less geeky. Not only I do not agree at all with the concept, but the more I wonder whether it is appropriate to touch a larger target (main objective of the brand!). Atmospheres Crazy images may offend the sensibilities of younger (I think particularly at the spot saw) character super quirky, technical references that Ms GrandPublic will have little chance to understand ... I fear that Mr. Easy do away fans but also Rudolph Mr. & Mrs. GrandPublic.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather

3. Let's Put On A Diet waste o : a campaign about sorting waste in Luxembourg, a little naked visually but the idea is found (though already used!).
Agency: Concept Factory

4. "Cadum while shower, softly, while Manaudou" : there is good just to laugh because there is not more culcul! I do not know if Laure Manaudou was the right person but what I know is that created them have to suffer for the artistic expectations of the customer.

5. Stickiest Ad in the World : Finally, an ad straight from Germany to UHU. This is called out of context!
Agency: Mediaplus (Munich)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Any Side Effects Of Corn Flour In Foods

Vows 2011, eco-informants

A second opportunity to present my greeting is offered to me! This time, distance from the com 'and marketers to approach the green attitude with the eco-informants. Organic farming, eco-design, eco-habitat, ecology, environment, recycling, ethical fashion, sustainable development, responsible consumption ... Short subjects do not miss this year! And eco- informants will be there for you to relay on the web! In your blogs, social networks to follow us and stay informed. In 2011
Follow the thread ... eco-informant!

Thanks to Jean Marc Brown Red for making the map!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Difference Between Icats And Immobilizer

Blogosphèrna - Special Edition "The Future of Tunisia"

Tunisians Dear, dear compatriots,

Given the events that currently lives our agreement with Tunisia and Bilel our young Tunisian , Blogosphèrna changes the theme of this month which will now "The future of Tunisia.

The objective of this edition is not to denounce what is already known, or to incite violence, we've proved we are a people united, civilized and keeps his dignity, continue to! The most important thing today is to help our compatriots in the struggle for freedom and democracy, the Tunisian people know their rights but do not know much about politics, nor what to do concretely and priority for the coming days. It boasts of things, but nobody offers alternatives ...
trying to analyze the situation objectively and to present our ideas and our visions of the future.

Dear Journalists & Bloggers

Internet is now free! If it's good news, it should not be just the opportunity to sail freely, but to create, publish, educate people, alleviate tension, prepare the actions of tomorrow ...

national army, with the support of citizens, able to gradually restore order and calm. Your homework today is to prepare the people for the choices he has to take tomorrow.

We all know what we do not want. But what we want for tomorrow? Which concrete projects to security, political, economic, social ... and with what priority and what speakers?

Finally a thought to the families of our martyrs, they rest in peace!

Mohamed Bouazizi rest your soul!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bootcamp Calories Burned

Best wishes best wishes

You've seen in my posts, I like to do things as they should. And once again I failed in my obligations. My first article of the year would remind you that we have changed the year and I wish you a wonderful year 2011 ... I'll have also to introduce my new resolutions. As Julie said before even saying hello or ask how things are going, we ought to wish a happy new year. Not that I'm against, I celebrated New Year's Eve December 31 as all of you at midnight I kissed my family (not under the mistletoe, but it's the fault of the organizer-Russian Savoyard who knows not all of our practices), and I want the best for the new year. I also sent one hundred thousand text messages that never arrived. Finally, I have not made my resolutions for holding them (?) But I have suggested to others. All this to wish you a happy new year 2011, fulfilling life full of projects, ideas, innovations and emotions! Pubardiser for all, here is a selection of visuals and videos found on the Internet (in part) by Team Strategies and reworked my sauce because we definitely did not taste the same.

the side agencies, playful greeting:

- The agency The Thing back with our ego a Facebook application: your new friend Like Mister will liker anything you post on your wall ! But be careful ... Your friend will not play indefinitely ass-licker ... 7 days will be enough to tire.

- H The agency is still decidedly offbeat and ... Men with: H wishes you the best games "

- Swearing agency with its own ... words:

- Finally, the wishes of China (sisi!!) by Maurice Levy, chairman of Publicis, for its employees:

Advertisers are also enough players this year:

- Vows to customize Monoprix (Havas City):

- Greetings electric Renault (Publicis Conseil) with a tone lighter than last year, very corporate spot supposed to represent mark facing the future but 70% of plans were frankly not very recent.

- Barilla wish us a happy new year all pastes (Young & Rubicam, Italy):

- And in a completely different atmosphere Stihl's gift, which is always nice (Publicis Conseil):

I wish you the best of 2010 be the worst of 2011!