I had to take care of the new look of Com & Greenwashing, but I still have not found the ideal template (not because it is not I who created the entire design of my Blog) and it's been several months since the deadline set that I had passed! As I wanted to incorporate this new design "open pub I decided to offer regular (New template until at least) a selection of pubs that I identified either because they liked me or because they have been successful (because it does not go together!) Or they have spoken. So no theme, just the affect. To know that most of the sources of that section from the website Ads of the World .
Go for more pub No. 1! 1. Childish apology: a campaign against tobacco broadcasts in Russia. Intelligent, well built, it succeeds to touch us (but I'm not
Agency: Smetana, Russia
2. Feel Free : The disappearance of Rodolphe, mourned by millions of fans, was announced several months. We find these days his replacement Mr. Easy (played by Olivier Mag), classier and less geeky. Not only I do not agree at all with the concept, but the more I wonder whether it is appropriate to touch a larger target (main objective of the brand!). Atmospheres Crazy images may offend the sensibilities of younger (I think particularly at the spot saw) character super quirky, technical references that Ms GrandPublic will have little chance to understand ... I fear that Mr. Easy do away fans but also Rudolph Mr. & Mrs. GrandPublic.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
3. Let's Put On A Diet waste o : a campaign about sorting waste in Luxembourg, a little naked visually but the idea is found (though already used!).
Agency: Concept Factory
4. "Cadum while shower, softly, while Manaudou" : there is good just to laugh because there is not more culcul! I do not know if Laure Manaudou was the right person but what I know is that created them have to suffer for the artistic expectations of the customer.
5. Stickiest Ad in the World : Finally, an ad straight from Germany to UHU. This is called out of context!
Agency: Mediaplus (Munich)
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