Advertisements lingerie show the products they offer, however, there manner and the dose. Currently, near Paris, Lise Charmel advertisements invade the public space to the overdose.
But the fact ... : Where to find products Lise Charmel? On the website, not a single shop is set in France ... not selling online either, I have not seen the lingerie department store Printemps in Paris or in the supermarket. It's well worth spending as in sexist objectification ... and be as non-existent with potential clients!
This ad has been shown to guard Bitches, here's an excerpt from the email alert: "In recent days we have seen my sister and me posters scandalous woman in undergarments Lise Charmel brand, so we decided to react by posting "a woman, an object?" or "undermining the dignity of women" on them. Unfortunately they were quickly pulled, d hence my initiative to write to you ... " ST
>> To congratulate Lise Charmel heading contact HERE or by mail: 45 rue St Pierre Vaise - 69258 LYON Cedex 09
>> ; If you are exasperated by this invasion sexist advertising, you can also notify the Mayor your county or municipality.
The mayors have some power over the territory of the commune "town halls are the owners of billboards located in their town." ( source ). In September 2010, Mayor Clichy-la-Garenne decided to remove Decaux advertising panels "Virgin Radio" which he considered aggressive and demeaning to the elderly. (More details on regulations here ).
The mayors have some power over the territory of the commune "town halls are the owners of billboards located in their town." ( source ). In September 2010, Mayor Clichy-la-Garenne decided to remove Decaux advertising panels "Virgin Radio" which he considered aggressive and demeaning to the elderly. (More details on regulations here ).
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As with any sexist advertising you can complain to the ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by email contact @ ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... It is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).
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