Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sitting On Is A Fetish

... the intestine of women ... With

A sexist advertising is reported to Bitches custody. These are the posters currently Decaux billboard for "Activia" Danone.

From the email alert: "I think the advertising campaign for Activia completely stupid: why it must remain a thing of chicks, take care of her womb?
If you follow their logic of consumption gendered, it is men who need looking after their intestines ... "GM

Indeed, how much emphasis on women! According to Danone our belly must be supported even for this basic function! ... It seems that the product Activia (as Actimel) does not have the virtues he claims (read HERE )

And to laugh even if it is not too late, watch a video (which is not mine ) parodying television advertising Activia HERE ...

>> To "thank" Danone its hard gut (which yields very large) ...
- mail: contact page here ...
- email: Danone - 15, rue du Helder - 75439 Paris Cedex 09
• • • • •
As with any sexist advertising you can complain to ARPP (Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity) 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie - 75116 Paris or by mail ... The ARPP states receive very few complaints about sexist advertising to us to deny it ... There is also a Jury of Advertising Ethics with which you can complain (see HERE ).


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